Saturday 12 August 2017

E-cad designing material,plc database

Migration Utility
The Migration Utility migrates settings and files from a previous Auto Cad
Electrical release to the current release. Many files within Auto Cad Electrical
are customizable. The Migration Utility migrates these custom changes to the
current release. You select which files to migrate and which migration option
to use. There are three migration workflows:
■ Migrate from an earlier release
■ Custom migration
■ Migrate from saved settings
NOTE The Merge Utility, used to merge database files and panel content, is no
longer a separate utility. It is now part of the Migration Utility.
Files types for migration
The Migration Utility supports many files types. Various default folders are
searched for these file types. The following default paths are searched by the
Migration Utility. You can have the Migration Utility look in other folders.
■ Install folder - C:\Program Files\Auto desk\AcadE {version}\
■ User Support folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application
Data\Auto desk\Auto Cad Electrical {version}\R17.0\{language}\Support\
■ Program Support folder - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AcadE
■ Data folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My
Documents\AcadE {version}\AeData\
■ Project folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My
Documents\AcadE {version}\AeData\Proj
■ Library folder - C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AcadE {version}\Libs\
■ User folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application
Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical
■ Catalog folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My
Documents\AcadE {version}\AeData\Catalogs
■ PLC folder - C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\My Documents\AcadE
There are two migration options depending on the file type.
■ Merge - compare the two files and merge the data according to the selected
options. If overwrite is not selected, only new lines are merged.
■ Copy - copy the file in the current version to the selected file. If overwrite
is not selected, only new files are copied.
Use this table to see which files the Migration Utility supports, the default
search paths, and the available migration options for each file type.
File Type Default Folder File Migration Options
Environment File Data wd.env Copy or Merge
Symbol menu User Support *.dat Copy or Merge
Library menu images User Support *.dll and *.slb Copy
Miscellaneous slide images User Support *.sld and *.png Copy
Style images PLC and Install\acade *.bmp Copy
Catalog database Catalogs default_cat.mdb Copy or Merge
File Type Default Folder File Migration Options
Footprint lookup database Catalogs footprint_lookup.mdb Copy or Merge
schematic_look- Copy
Schematic lookup database Catalogs
PLC database PLC ace_plc.mdb Copy or Merge
Pick list database Catalogs wd_picklist.mdb Copy
Dinrail Catalogs wddinrl.xls Copy
Language conversion data- Catalogs wd_lang1.mdb Copy
Library symbols Library all folders Copy
User circuits User *.dwg Copy
Drawing templates Registry template path *.dwt Copy
Table styles Program support tablestyle.dwg Copy or Merge
Line types User Support Acade.lin Copy or Merge
Recent project list User Support lastproj.fil Copy
*.inst, *.loc, *.mnt, Copy
Installation, Location, User
Mount, Group code
Description list User Support *.wdd Copy
Rating defaults User Support *.wdr Copy
External component tag list User *.wdx Copy
File Type Default Folder File Migration Options
Spreadsheet to PLC setup User *.wdi Copy
Equipment list setup User *.wde Copy
Wire color/gauge label User *.wdw Copy
Terminal number filter Project *.wdn Copy
Terminal strip table setup User *.tsl Copy
Conduit setup Program Support *.wwl Copy
Plot paper size Program Support Generic paper size.txt Copy
Title block mapping Project *.wdt Copy
Title block line label map- User *.wdl Copy
Family tag mapping User wd_fam.dat Copy
PLC mapping User Support wdmbblks.bsf Copy
RSlogix code mapping Program Support *.wdf Copy
Unity Pro symbol mapping User *.map Copy
User-defined attributes User *.uda Copy
Report settings User *.set Copy
Report groups User *.rgf Copy

Table mapping file for catalog merges
You can choose to impose an input mapping file to direct where to place the
data inside the catalog destination database. The mapping file (named is located in the same directory as the main executable
NOTE There are additional mappings for vendors, catalog numbers, and fields.
See the mapping file for information about these mappings. The default file location
is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AcadE {version}\.
To consolidate all the timer relay (TD) tables into one table, use the mapping
file. It controls which tables to take from the source database and place into
the destination database under a single table.
[Table map]
Wildcard mapping for catalog database tables is allowed on the source (left)
database side of the mapping file. For example, TD*=TD. When the table or
wildcard mapping is used and the source database table is component-specific,
the merge utility places the table name into the WDBLKNAM field of the
destination database. It provides the symbol name for the initial filter used
in the catalog lookup window.
Table mapping files for footprint lookup database merges
A mapping file for the footprint lookup database
( is provided. This file follows the
same rules as the mapping file for catalog merges ( No
rules are predefined in this mapping file. The file ia a framework that needs
to be modified to provide customized merges.
NOTE The default file location is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AcadE {version}\. See
the file for further instructions on how to format and construct the mapping strings
PLC Database
The Spreadsheet to PLC/IO utility uses the module category to calculate the
insertion point of a module.
■ Input module - inserted near the right or bottom bus line of the ladder.
■ Output module - inserted near the left or top bus line of the ladder.
■ Combination module - inserted centered between the bus lines of the
Before AutoCAD Electrical 2009, the Spreadsheet to PLC/IO utility determined
the module category based on the value in the DESCRIPTION field or the PLC
database table name. For example, if the DESCRIPTION field contained the
string “*IN*”, it was considered an input module. In AutoCAD Electrical 2009
and later, the PLC database contains a CATEGORY field. If the PLC database
file is migrated, the Migration Utility automatically runs the PLC Database
Migration utility using the following default settings.
Input DI*,AI*,*INP*,*IN *,*IN,*IN/*
Output DO*,AO*,D0*,A0*,*OUT*
Combination *OTHER*,IO*,I0*
The PLC Database Migration utility compares the values in the DESCRIPTION
field of the PLC database to default values for input, output, or combination.
If a match is not made, the database table name is compared. If a match is
made to the DESCRIPTION field or table name, the correct CATEGORY value
is entered for that module.
■ 1 - Input module
■ 2 - Output module
■ 3 - Combination module
The PLC Database Migration utility updates all tables in the PLC database
based on these values.
NOTE Blank spaces within the text are included as part of the search string. For
example, “IN{space}*” matches “IN module” but does not match “INPUT”.

wd.env merge
The wd.env file can contain settings that direct AutoCAD Electrical where to
locate certain files. These files can include the catalog and lookup databases,
slide libraries, and user circuits. The paths from the migrated wd.env file are
used when these dependent files are migrated.
For example:
Previous version Current version wd.env Final wd.env
Migration Option
Merge - Overwrite WD_CAT=n:\shared\ WD_CAT={default path} WD_CAT=n:\shared\
Merge WD_CAT=n:\shared\ WD_CAT={default path}
If you also select the catalog database for migration, the data from the source
catalog database is migrated to the destination catalog database based on the
selected migration options, for example merge - overwrite. The suggested
destination folder for the migrated catalog database is the path in the migrated
If you change the migration status of the wd.env file, you are prompted to
update these dependent files to make sure that the location of each file matches
the wd.env settings.
Log file
Each time you run the Migration Utility, the migration information is written
to the file acemigration.log. This log file contains the date of the migration,
the user name, and information about the files migrated. The log file is stored
in the User folder. The default location is:
■ Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application
Data\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical {version}\{release number}\{country
■ Windows Vista:
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD Electrical
{version}\{release number}\{country code}\Support\User\
Back-up copies
A back-up copy of each migrated file is made. The back-up file is created in
the same directory as the original file and its name is the same as the original,
but with the extension ".bak."
NOTE Backup copies are not created for library symbol drawing files and slide
Migrating from an earlier release
The Migration Utility migrates your settings and customized files from an
earlier release of AutoCAD Electrical to the current release.
1 Click Project tab ➤ Other Tools panel ➤ Migration Utility.
AutoCAD Electrical searches for previous installations of AutoCAD
2 Select the release to migrate from.
AutoCAD Electrical searches for files from the selected release. Existing
files are selected for migration by default.
3 Click the category name in the Migration items list. The files within that
category are shown in the Migration files section.
4 Click within the Copy/Merge Option cell, and select the Browse
tool to change the migration option for a file. The Copy/Merge Options
dialog box opens. Different file types have different migration options.
5 Select the Copy/Merge option, including whether to overwrite or not,
and select OK.
6 Click within the Source cell and browse to change the source file.
7 Click within the Destination cell and browse to change the destination
8 Select OK. The Migration Review dialog box opens.
9 (optional) Select Save As to save the migration settings to a file to use to
migrate from these saved settings.
10 Review the migration items.

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